Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign
Thank you to our members, guests and fundriasing partners who contributed
to last year's Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign which raised $5.000.00. This financial year we have started another fundraising campaign which has currently raised $1,300.00 for this very worthwhile and important cause.
Please watch this page for any future campaign events.
All proceeds towards our fundraising campaigns go to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
My Org
Trekfa Adventure
Ku-ring-gai Bushwalkers
Benowie Bushwalkers

Welcome to
MyORG's WildTreks
For those who like it Wild, Adventurous & Challenging....
Join us for our all inspiring and often challenging Wild Track Series of walks.
Visit unique places that are often not visited by ordinary bushwalkers.
Walk through areas of pure wilderness, see exquisite rock formations, experience grand views from lookouts, visit amazing mountain rock pools and waterfalls and a whole lot more.
Wild Trek Series walks utilize areas away from the main commercial walking tracks.
When participating in these walks you will often come to expect things like
an environmental journey through scenic wilderness areas, beneath coastal escarpments,
boulder hopping and rock scrambling, rugged ascents and descents,
creek or river crossings, canyons and caves and passages that may require
rope assisted negotiations to reach our destinations.
Our Wild Trek Series, while still very much focused on fun can be quite challenging and technical. The walks often require a relatively high level of fitness and an ability to cope
with the mental anxiety of weather extremes and the difficulty in negotiating rough terrain.
Our Wild Trek Series of walks will usually require both lower and upper body fitness
to complete and will provide you with both aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
To give you an understanding of the types of walks that you will be participating in you simply only have to think WAC; often WILD, often ADVENTUROUS and often CHALLENGING.
Our Wild Trek Series are a guaranteed Endorphin Exciter that will
assist you in staying Kinetically Energised.