Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign
Thank you to our members, guests and fundriasing partners who contributed
to last year's Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign which raised $5.000.00. This financial year we have started another fundraising campaign which has currently raised $1,280.00 for this very worthwhile and important cause.
Please watch this page for any future campaign events.
All proceeds towards our fundraising campaigns go to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
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Alternatively you may call us on 0400 TREKFA (873532) if you would like your enquiry promptly responded to.
We can usually answer the call immediately if we are not out participating in an event or attending a meeting.
Please Note: We do not have messagebank or receive SMS on this number. Furthermore, we may not answer a blocked number due to the increase in SPAM that we receive. If your number is blocked, please unblock it before calling.