Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign
Thank you to our members, guests and fundriasing partners who contributed
to last year's Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign which raised $5.000.00. This financial year we have started another fundraising campaign which has currently raised $1,300.00 for this very worthwhile and important cause.
Please watch this page for any future campaign events.
All proceeds towards our fundraising campaigns go to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
My Org
Trekfa Adventure
Ku-ring-gai Bushwalkers
Benowie Bushwalkers

Mission Statement
The Mission:
1. Our mission is to create an inclusive community that fosters equality, respect and diversity.
2. We are in pursuit of excellence, loyalty, empowerment and celebration.
3. We commit to the promotion of outdoor recreation with a level of environmental awareness, conservation and safety.
4. We encourage members to grow and contribute to their full potential in pursuit of our mission.
5. We support the recruitment and retention of diverse and inclusive participants.
6. We contribute and support the group’s charities through fundraising and involvement.
7. We provide a positive understanding of the spirit and harmony of the group through an acknowledgement and appreciation of our mission statement.