Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign
Thank you to our members, guests and fundriasing partners who contributed
to last year's Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign which raised $5.000.00. This financial year we have started another fundraising campaign which has currently raised $1,300.00 for this very worthwhile and important cause.
Please watch this page for any future campaign events.
All proceeds towards our fundraising campaigns go to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
My Org
Trekfa Adventure
Ku-ring-gai Bushwalkers
Benowie Bushwalkers

Trial My Sunrise
Join us and help raise much needed funds for cancer research....

We welcome you to trial a Sunrise Bushwalk with us. During the year our group continually runs a fundraiser for cancer research. For every new participant, our club will double the $10.00 participation subscription/donation in aid of cancer research.
Our early morning bushwalks which start at 7.30am are sure to get your endorphins excited and get you kinetically energised for the rest of the day. It's nature's drug that helps with health and well-being. It can also decrease the risk of heart disease and some cancers among other things.
There too, is new research that shows our style of Sunrise events can keep you younger by lengthening the longevity of life cycle. One day you may still be around and have the stamina to play with your Great Grandkids.
If you would like to feel yourger, get healthier and have fun, then simply register below, trial a Sunrise, meet and greet our members then if you choose, join our members for morning tea afterwards.
If you enjoy the event you may choose to continue on, join up as a full member and if not, you may choose to move away.
The choice is entirely yours.... You are under no obligation! The bottom line though, is that your participation has given cancer research a $20.00 boost towards finding a cure, and in advance, thank you for your participation and the contribution you have made towards our fundraing campaign.
Why It’s Never Too Late to Get Moving.... And, It Is Fun Too!
Research has found that walking speed is linked with heart health and life's longevity. In particular, middle-aged adults who walk at a slow pace were twice as likely to die from heart disease compared with their fast-walking peers. The research is clear, exercise can improve your heart health, even if you haven’t laced up your sneakers in years. If you have been thinking about starting a walk exercise program, there is no better time to begin than today.
Get Your Heart Health Back On Track Today and Lower Your Risk of Developing Cancer.....
Check Out Our Next Trial My Sunrise Day:
01. Saturday 07 December Sunrise: Balls Head
Balls Head Reserve in Waverton, Sydney has a rich history and was frequently used by the local Aboriginal community prior to 1916 and still has historic art sites and rock engravings to this day. The reserve was named after Lieutenant Henry Lidgbird Ball, a commander of the First Fleet of 1788. In 1912, the Australian Army claimed the land and built a Quarantine Depot to service boats operating from Quarantine Station at North Head. The land has now become a public parkland offering stunning views over Sydney Harbour and the harbour bridge. The parkland with its natural beauty offers an interesting history and vantage point overlooking the Sydney skyline. Distance approximately 7km. Expected finish time is 10.00am.
02. Saturday 14 December Celebration: Christmas By The Water ☕ BF (Members Only)
It’s Christmas 2024. Similar to last year, we’re making the celebration an early event so that members who have family Christmas luncheons organised can also get back in time to attend. Along with our Christmas celebration we will be holding an optional short Sunrise walk that will see us climb to the top of the ridgeline for some lovely views over Bobbin Head. On the walk you will also find some historic steps along with having some sweeping views of the waterway. The walk has one moderately challenging ascent with the remaining sections covering easy-moderate tracks. The walk commences at 7.30am returning at approximately 8.30am for the Christmas celebration and breakfast.
03 Saturday 11 January Sunrise: Beyond Sheldon Forest
In the back of Turramurra, you will discover a number of tracks that meanders through the beautiful bushland of Sheldon Forest and Rofe Park, along ridge tops, through open forest on the hill slopes and down to the creek side that runs through its beautiful valley. Sheldon Forest is of high conservation status because it contains some of the last remnants of the endangered ecological communities Sydney Turpentine Ironbark Forest and Blue Gum High Forest. This ‘must do walk’ will take us through these rainforest environs for the most part capturing beautiful flowing streams that boast a number of small waterfalls. The forest too, has an abundance of native birdlife. Their calls create a pleasant atmosphere for our early morning sunrise. Distance approximately 7km. Expected finish time is 9.45am.
04. Saturday 18 January DayTrek: Tahmoor Canyon
This is a spectacular canyon which can be found on the Bargo River near Tahmoor. The walk has much to offer as you trek through casuarina and river gum forests. The river and canyon boast many rock pools, monolith boulders, cascading brooks and waterfalls plus the majestic Mermaids Pool. The environment captures the imagination giving you a lost world feeling. While in the canyon the vegetation and light frequently change depending on the width of the cliff walls and the dense canopy of tall trees. Local legend says that the pool is sacred land for women in Aboriginal culture, a place for women to conduct their business (bathing, giving birth etc), and is forbidden to men. Mermaids Pool is one of the largest and deepest natural rock waterholes that you will find in the Sydney region. Don’t be fooled by the photograph opposite which is just one of the many smaller pools that we will visit on this journey. Participants should expect a moderate walk with moderately challenging sections. (may require brief negotiations of rock hopping/scrambling). Distance is approximately 10 kilometers.
05. Saturday 18 January Sunrise: The Heights to Galston Gorge
This Sunrise takes you from Heights into Berowra Valley then picks up the Great North Walk for a journey south through an ever-changing environment of forests and grass trees. There are also, beautiful hand cut steps that assist you to negotiate a couple of rocky areas on the walk. And, if it has rained recently you will come across a lovely waterfall beside the path. The road to Galston Gorge was built in the early 90s and had two McDonald Truss Bridges of which one was washed away in a flood in 1937 and replaced with a concrete one. The remaining truss bridge over Tunks Creek is heritage listed and is one of only five remaining in the state. Distance is approximately 7.5km Expected event finish time is 10.00am.
06. Saturday 18 January Sunrise: The Heights to Galston Gorge
This Sunrise takes you from Heights into Berowra Valley then picks up the Great North Walk for a journey south through an ever-changing environment of forests and grass trees. There are also, beautiful hand cut steps that assist you to negotiate a couple of rocky areas on the walk. And, if it has rained recently you will come across a lovely waterfall beside the path. The road to Galston Gorge was built in the early 90s and had two McDonald Truss Bridges of which one was washed away in a flood in 1937 and replaced with a concrete one. The remaining truss bridge over Tunks Creek is heritage listed and is one of only five remaining in the state. Distance is approximately 7.5km Expected event finish time is 10.00am.
07. Saturday 25 January Sunrise: Knightsbridge Circuit
Take a journey through the Fred Caterson Reserve and Cattai Creek Conservation Area on a staggering array of possum tracks that twist and snake their way through the rich and wonderful bushland corridors of these two reserves. The area is rich in diverse local flora and birdlife, where if you keep an eye out, you may see Fairy Wrens and Red Browed Finches which find shelter in the thick undergrowth here. The tree line is equally as significant featuring lush wet ferny gullies and hillsides that expose predominant trees species such as Bloodwoods, Peppermints, and Old Man Banksia. Distance is approximately 7km. Expected event finish time is 9.25am.
​Note: Our club charges a $10.00 event subscription/donation that is payable on the day of the event.
100% of all subscriptions received from the TrialMySunrise goes to our cancer research fundraising campaign. Our club's beneficiary is the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.
Doubling our Donation for Cancer Research:
By joining any of our TrialMySunrise events as a guest, our club will match your $10.00 participation subscription/donation making it a $20.00 donation to Australia Cancer Research Foundation. How good is that.... "You get to be fit and healthy while saving lives, it's a win, win situation for all"