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Welcome to
MyORG's Saturday Sunrise

A bushwalk for those who are juggling a busy life style....

Get out of the house and get some of that fun 'n' fitness into your life.

These Saturday morning short treks are just what you need if juggling a busy lifestyle. Each event commences at 7.30am, and dependent on the walk distance/terrain will

usually finish before10.00am.

Events are held in the bushland areas of the Upper Northshore.
These Sunrise events are a great escape from the urban lifestyle that we have

all become accustomed to.

All events are paced at a moderate low to moderate high aerobic level and

are guaranteed to get you kinetically energised.
Participants can expect to build and improve self esteem, body image, fitness

and at the same time you'll be helping our favourite charities.
Events have an emphasis on fun & fitness and are a great way to meet

new friends and to extend your social intercourse.
Our activities will also give you aerobic exercise, an effective way to improve endurance,

unclog arteries, lower blood pressure, decrease the risk of heart disease

and some cancers, and cut the risk of adult-onset diabetes.
Furthermore, these activities can assist you with weight reduction and will improve

your overall body shape, performance and well-being.

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